This is the link to my session at researchED Blackpool in which I put forward the following argument
Colleagues in research schools (and wider) are showing an interest in disciplined inquiry
This is a product of three things
Dylan William’s view that all teachers should seek to improve and should take part in 'disciplined inquiry’
Bloggers writing about disciplined inquiry
Widespread dissatisfaction with current models of performance management in schools
Disciplined inquiry is now being used in a number of schools as an integral part of school’s performance management processes and CPD activities
However, this is being done, with little or no reference to the research literature on what makes for effective performance management processes; the relationships between disciplined inquiry and teacher knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours and teacher outcomes; and different types of inquiry – such as action research
Ironically the promotion of disciplined inquiry as part of performance management is an example of what the evidence-based community is trying to avoid i.e. addressing problems with little reference to the research evidence-base and the adoption of practices promoted by gurus
Nevertheless, this does not mean we should not show interest in ‘disciplined inquiry’ as a way of addressing the problems associated with performance management in schools.
Although we should be upfront and say that while the adoption of DI seems a goods idea. there is little or no robust evidence about what works, where, for whom, to what extent, for how long - when undertaken as part of performance management